New Mums Nutrition
New Mums Nutrition
22. Should you have hot or cold foods?
What postpartum foods can you eat? And which ones should you avoid? Hot and cold foods are often emphasised for postpartum recovery to have some and avoid others.
This episode covers:
- What are hot and cold foods?
- Why is there a focus on these foods?
- How to meet your nutrient requirements eating this way?
- The most important thing to focus on with your food
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Brought to you by Lana Hirth Dietitian. All information is general in nature and does not replace individualised medical advice. Find out more about seeing Lana Hirth, expert prenatal and postnatal dietitian: www.lanahirth.com
Want more? Get your FREE New Mums Nutrition Checklist here.
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Brought to you by Lana Hirth Dietitian. All information is general in nature and does not replace individualised medical advice. Find out more about seeing Lana Hirth and her team, expert fertility, prenatal and postpartum dietitians: www.lanahirth.com
Have further questions? You can email us at podcast@lanahirth.com or book in a consultation for 1:1 nutrition advice from an expert fertility, pregnancy and postpartum dietitian.